Jessica "Jess" Ballen

children’s ballet or survival of the fittest

ballerinas      end      up as bullies who       tie   me up in        nylon           who      
plie         me      to       death      who          kick   the soft of   my      stomach
who      have my pain        for breakfast        who tendu step       across my   grave
who watch the weak one              cave      who flash their     blood stained  baby
teeth           who recruit           others                               for their                 brigade
who      point           their   toes        at     all   their             vics    who       foam        
for  my exit                who                      commit       homicide                      with a                             
chasse   who                                               use                                    their words
to                                crush                              my                                        brain     

Jessica "Jess" Ballen is a queer Jewish poet who is currently working on their MFA in creative writing at Antioch University. They live in Eugene, OR with their husband, three cats, and two guinea pigs. Their book Kosher was released in early 2023.