Welcome back for another year of exciting new micro-chapbooks! As always, all of our micro-chaps are available for free download, but we highly encourage you to donate to our authors who get to keep 100% of the proceeds donated to their title. If you enjoy a specific collection, consider sending that author a few dollars, or follow them on social media. Many of our authors also have chapbooks and full-length collections published by other indie presses who could definitely use your support as well. The GCP Summer Micro-Chapbook Series is a chance for us (and for you) to celebrate and give back to the writing communities that make this corner of the internet so wonderful to be a part of!

If you’re new to the series, please check out our 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 collections to see what kind of work we’ve published in the past. These are generally pretty eclectic collections of writing, so whether your tastes run from traditional to experimental, you’re pretty much guaranteed to find something you’ll enjoy. Our annual series also provides an opportunity for you to read a sampling of new work from many established and emerging writers.

OUR 2025 submission period IS
FEBRUARY 1 - 28, 2025


As always, we welcome collections of poetry, prose, or other multimedia work—the more creative the better. Co-authored collections are also welcomed. We have very few rules prohibiting what you can submit, but please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Manuscripts should be no longer than 10 pages (of writing/art — this does not include title pages, acknowledgments, etc.)

  • Please send us a single PDF file

  • One submission per person/team, please!

  • Include a brief, third-person bio along with your submission

We will be reviewing submissions throughout February and March, and you can expect a response from us sometime in early-mid April. For this reason, simultaneous submissions are not accepted.

2025 Guest Editors

Gabrielle Grace Hogan (she/her) received her MFA from the University of Texas at Austin. Her work has been published by TriQuarterly, CutBank, Salt Hill, and others, and has been supported by the Ragdale Foundation and Tin House Workshop. She has published two chapbooks, Soft Obliteration (Ghost City Press 2020), and Love Me With the Fierce Horse Of Your Heart (Ursus Americanus Press 2023). She is a Team Writer for Autostraddle and an Assistant Poetry Editor for Foglifter. Find more information on her website, For now, she lives in Dallas, Texas.

Tom Snarsky is the author of the chapbooks Threshold (Another New Calligraphy) and Complete Sentences (Broken Sleep Books), as well as the full-length collections Light-Up Swan and Reclaimed Water (both from Ornithopter Press). His book A Letter From The Mountain & Other Poems is forthcoming from Animal Heart Press in June 2025. His book MOUNTEBANK is forthcoming from Broken Sleep Books in March 2026.