Adrienne Novy

kiwi walked so watermelon sugar could run

after harry styles, after potato salad by matt Mitchell

i got high for the first time
with the last love i had / i watched them
quarter blue raspberry gummies / on the nightstand
in their apartment / a bushel of flowers trumpetting open
through the blade of a table knife.
in his interview with rolling stone magazine,
harry styles points to the studio fridge,
as this is where the edibles are kept / once,
while recording, harry bites the tip of his tongue
& blood syrups down his chin / now rubied with sucrose.
back in that moment in bed, my pupils are swelling
like two berries in the dawn / i giggle into my partner’s neck
as my body floats between the dark & not / i live
a gentle life / with an icy pair of sunglasses /
drooling along my neck / i melt into the sheets
like an oil lamp, as hungry as a mouth / a pearl of june /
summer begins crystallizing /  in the back of my throat.

Adrienne Novy is a Jewish and disabled artist, Bettering American Poetry and Pushcart Prize nominee currently living in Saint Paul, MN. She is the author of trisomy 22 and Crowd Surfing With God (Half Mystic Press, 2018). Her most recent work can be found in Entropy's series The Birds, Glass: A Poetry Journal, Homology Lit, and Crab Fat Magazine. She loves My Chemical Romance and she loves being alive.