Louis Zieja

Tarot Cards Covered In Cat Hair

Push the pile of unopened mail to the side. Don’t 
sit on the knitting needles. Shuffle the cards and cut 
the deck. Nobody knows why they’re so sticky.
I will scry through the crumbs and we will read what’s next.
See how the coins are scattered: four paired and one 
quarantined, inside looking out, sole witness to a knight 
lost in a field of red wine splatter staining the ottoman.
The chalice he is holding is both phallic
and vaginal, perhaps overflowing. Nest 
down and hover, look closer at the cards.  See?
The magician’s table is also cluttered.
This spread indicates that entropy has taken
hold, that the heat-death of the universe is 
upcoming. Every second you too are shedding 
follicles and flakes, tears and interests, phone 
plans and diets.  Look here, eight is the number of 
perfection but the magician is looking the other
direction towards the tower of empty 
amazon boxes that will 
never be recycled.

Louis Zieja is a cinematographer, collage artist and writer originally from Philadelphia. His comic book series The Subliminals, a collaboration with artist Anton Blake, will be published in 2020. Follow Louis on Twitter @IDriveACampfire.