Autumn Echo

The Contortionist

i wasted all my 
best metaphors 
on men
such a typical thing
you know 
everything is 
wasted on them
good intentions
time spent confusing love 
& a desperate need for attention
i, empty vessel
i, too full 
also broken & leaking 
always taking & leaving
never good enough 
i’m sorry 
not good enough 
isn’t the right way to say it 
molecularly incorrect
i have cried 
every time 
a man touched me 
& after
cry when i think of my father dancing with me
a well of tears 
to dip my fingers into 
too much salt 
for any man to swallow 
peroxide lovers
my face paling 
every passing minute 
a deep soul irritant 
i can’t take it anymore 
the pretending 
the grave clothes & the bending 
i have fit into everyone 
by being no one

Autumn Echo is a performance poet from Jamestown, NY. After a brief and painful hiatus in all genuine emotion and inspiration, she is once again feeling & writing. Autumn is the creator of Pulse Poetry Slam, a mother, provocateur, and a menace to society as deemed so by her local city council and school board. She was once called Jamestown's underground poet laureate which was a pretty strange attempt at an insult because it's dope as fuck. She hopes you like her poems.