Eric Allen Yankee

The Gun

These festering exit wounds
      do not build a trail to heaven.

The gun is always the heretic's
       weapon of choice.

Cradle the pistol.
    Cradle the pistol.
Cradle the pistol.  

Forget the body.

Eric Allen Yankee is a member of the Revolutionary Poets Brigade of Chicago. His work appears in The People's Tribune, Calamus Journal, Five 2 One, RISE (2017 Vagabond Books), Overthrowing Capitalism Volumes 2 & 3, The Good Men Project, Sweet Wolverine, and others. His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. He is the author of Bees Against the War (2017 LocoFo Chaps/Moria Books), as well as the upcoming chapbooks American Bullet (Atomic Theory) and RIOT (Finishing Line Press).