Joshua St. Claire


yesterday my new moon eyes were your armagnac neat
tomorrow this snifter will spatchcock your skull
but today today your tweets are a towel in my teeth
this towel is the globe of our world
please like it
don’t gag while I sop my song down your throat
I won’t gag as I eat your embryos in the dark
don’t gag while you do what you must must must
please like it
still signing
still singeing
still singing singing singing
please like it
even in this dark 
even buried in embryos
even as the armagnac covers my head
please please please like it
please like it like it like it
pleaselikeit   plik   plik   plik
my song
stuck in your teeth

Joshua St. Claire is a CPA who works as a financial controller in Pennsylvania. He enjoys writing poetry on coffee breaks and after putting the kids to bed. His work is published in the Inflectionist Review, Blue Unicorn, ubu., and bones, among others, and has received nominations for the Pushcart.