Brad Liening

Poem (Sometimes I Think Netflix Doesn’t Know Me at All)

he’s never thought
of wading hip-deep
into a bombed-out 

Wal-mart full of
vomit toting a bag
of human remains

just as she’s never
thought of selling
her blood on eBay 

for better blood
via PayPal their
scraped metadata 

surviving them both
as her bottled memo
lost for 1,000 years 

bubbles up to its
museum inclusion
as his hologram 

rises out of a ditch
full of broken mo-
dems while a low 

cloud dense with
particulate moves
over a city famous 

for love

Brad Liening lives in Minneapolis, MN, and at His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Bad Pony, Faded Out, Nokturno, and elsewhere.