Carla Sarett

bad luck

That last week I wrote 
a dark story, 
The Bad Luck.  
You read my favorite 
Raymond Chandler
The Long Goodbye.
To the very end.  

I don't write horror now,
not the made up kind.

At 3 a.m., I'm up 
You-tubing ghost stories 
Haunted houses, 
attics, cellars, 
ravens, graves,
women in white, in black
faceless nameless men
empty coffins....

I fall asleep lights on,
No problem, they're LED.
They never die.
Just like spirits
I keep hoping.

Carla Sarett's recent work appears in Third Wednesday, Prole, The Virginia Normal, Hamilton Stone Review, Halfway Down the Stairs and elsewhere; her essays have been nominated for Best American Essays and the Pushcart Prize.  A Closet Feminist, her debut novel, will be published in 2022 (Unsolicited Press.) Carla has a Ph.D. from University of Pennsylvania and lives in San Francisco.