Jasper Glen


Two-gene theory: gene A
X-linked, autosomal
Handy, X-linked
Map, sex distribution,
Father to an affected 8
Either parents of male manics.
Phasic Angst
The usual female
Unipolar recurrent.
Or 8 affected fathers.
X atypical crossings.
Children of doubly Angst.
In early life
Abraham has entered.
Gene B.
Sad people usually tend to be more silent
Than their wont.
No psychopath bears a Mantel
Loss of a love-object,
Of little aid.
The gulf between ego and super-
Ego bridged.
Projects self without reserve or
Psychodynamic study of elation
Eroticism, ‘vital depressions’.
Abraham also lays
Libido at the oral level.

Jasper Glen is from Vancouver, Canada. He holds a BA in Philosophy and a JD. Poems appear in AGOTT, Amsterdam Quarterly, BlazeVOX, Cathexis Northwest Press, Phantom Kangaroo, Posit, WordCity Literary Journal, and elsewhere.