Dandy dandelion, you flower in the fissures
on the median of the Bronx River Pkwy
with black top gravel and what once
was a squirrel, now a velvet strip
dandy dandelion, you’re seen to be a weed
your presence on lawns a sign
there goes the neighborhood, but here
on the grass patched shoulder, oh
dandy dandelion, you proliferate with next
to nil, cut down, yet still growing, and
it seems, botanically, this world is out
to get you, even though you try, sweet
dandy dandelion, to brighten up the bleak
landscape you’re allowed until you aren’t
I want to bring just one powder puff to
acres upon acres of field, wish, and blow
Seán Griffin received an MFA in Creative Writing from Manhattanville College. Seán's writing has appeared in The Southampton Review, Selcouth Station Press, Impossible Archetype, Dust Poetry Magazine, Sonic Boom, and Cathexis Northwest Press, with poetry in The Mud Season Review, Mineral Lit Magazine, and The Hellebore forthcoming. Seán teaches writing at Concordia College of New York, is an editor for Inkwell Literary Journal, and lives in New York with three dogs.