The Night I Saw Matt and Kim Live and Felt Reborn in the Limelight
the lights gleamed like the biblical spotlight of heavenly clouds
maybe it was the whisk of melody
the rhythm of the night
how a day’s worth of seeing other bands rock the same stage
kept me full of energy
not drained of it
the stage opened up like a neon prism pavilion
anthems about happy kids
trying to find hope
on a dying planet
forged from a force of electric movement
symphonic serenades
& synth-pop circle pits
drum-beat break sessions
& crowd surfer wipeouts
with tears running down my cheekbone
I hugged my friend Danielle
after such a bittersweet year
depression trigger after depression trigger
I was alive for what felt
like the first time in a long time
music is incredible like that I guess
the ability to accomplish
what ten years of
prescribed anti-depressants couldn’t
J.B. Stone is an emerging poet/fiction writer from Brooklyn, now residing in Buffalo. He has poetry, prose and flash fiction featured in Peach Mag, Occulum, Cadaverous Mag, Anti-Heroin Chic, Riggwelter Press, Crack the Spine and several other publications. He also has a micro-chapbook out, A Place Between Expired Dreams and Renewed Nightmares (Ghost City Press, 2018).