H. M. Shaw

Rising From the Yoga Graveyard

When I came back to life, I realized my shadow wasn't darkness to be feared.

She was the red light.  She wasn't me. I was hosting her so she could teach me to be a whole being --- primal, not prudent.

She showed me how to be aligned with the moon. If I wanted to survive the phases, I couldn't stay quiet. I had to get loud whenever I could.

They ask me why my protagonist is a sex worker. It's because our shadows always seem to find us first.

Halley Marie Shaw is the queer femme slayer of dollar store earbuds. If you see her stomping the pavement, sporting big sunglasses, and listening to tunes, she is being moved by the rhythm inside of an underground club called Vessel that solely exists in her dissociative mind. She also makes collages, dabbles erasure poetry, tinkers with performance art, and partakes in all kinds of deviance.