Brittany Lisa Carey


We are
Shoe string astronauts 
Tying shoes together
Shoes to table 
Shoes to pants
Whispers on launch pad 
Moments from lift off 
We are
Navigating all things concrete 
The cold between us 
A simple shiver.

We are 
A pile of legs and laughter 
I have become less tea kettle 
More bubble machine
We are
A blackhole coffin
You, Zia, 
I, Mikaul
This conversation 
A lover’s beach
Only to be washed away

The merry go round 
Of our friendship
Slowing to a halt 
The only coins remaining

Is it worth the exchange 
To start again? 

When you blink 
This will all have been 
another mistake 

I wonder:
What makes this bar 
A good bar 

What bits of us 
Splattered on the pavement 
Are stains

What words 
Stuck in the sidewalk cracks 
Are left moaning in the cold 

If you could still hear me
If you even want to 

If I have always been 
The wrong door to knock on 

If you have been the spray paint this whole time
Maybe the flowers were the most important part 

We are:
A room full of hospital lights 
Both beds are empty
But there’s blood on the floor 

I wonder 
What we are now 

I wonder 
Where you went.

I wonder enough 
to know the difference 
Between a daydream 
And a car horn 
And you are still sleeping

I wonder
When you’ll wake up.

Brittany Lisa Carey is a Buffalo born poet, fiction writer and the host of Ambedo Poetry.  She graduated with a Bachelors degree in English from Hilbert College in 2017 and has since continued her learning journey on a more social level in the local art community. She has one published chapbook, Sutures & Mortar, through CWP (now Dark Particle) and her piece "Suicide" appeared in the January 2019 edition of Ghost City Review. You can follow Ambedo Poetry on Facebook & Instagram.