Regina YC García

…be like–a rumination

what will this world be like when we can no longer hear the song of the refugee, when all the doors are shut hard & babies with razored teeth stand beside the decaying bodies, alone & remembering, hungry & ever shifting these thoughts about the goodness of man, the purpose of piety, the futility of dreams &

what will this world be like when skin & tissue & bone become properties owned by fear & flesh who fight with fake affront, commandeering pulp, sanctioning love, enslaving rinds &

what will this world be like when the sun affixes itself low & brooding & scorches the evil & those less so & those who silently watched, melting without a word, emotion dried beyond tears & what will it be like when the buildings & altars collapse & crumble &

 the gods move on…

Regina YC García is a DAR American Heritage award-winning poet, professor and language artist from Greenville, NC. A Finalist in the Charlotte 2024 Lit/South Award, she is also widely published in numerous journals and anthologies. Her chapbook, The Firetalker's Daughter, was published by Finishing Line Press in March, 2023.