Jude Marr

BlooD splatter patterns / not science

the body circles heart life: vital / kindness: tactile wounds
natural blood: we bleed, being / human: the practical self
spirit blood: definitions / of divine butchery: blood food
wild blood: dirt and body / matter: corruptions overturned
discourse between blood / and battlefield: the body symbolic
the body stuck: the common / fool: human in blood and vein
blood humors life: body / circles heart: vital kindness binds
tactile wounds: human over / philosophical: children understand

Jude Marr (he, they) is a Pushcart-nominated trans poet, editor and teacher. We Know Each Other By Our Wounds (Animal Heart Press, 2020) is Jude’s first full-length collection. His work has also appeared in many journals and anthologies, most recently CutleafReed Magazine, and Masculinity: An Anthology of Modern Voices (Broken Sleep Books, 2023)