John Yohe

[I bought a fake owl]

I bought a fake owl to scare away the ground squirrels
from nesting in my truck. I've named her Athena.
For green tea bring water not quite to boiling—steaming.
steep 3-5 minutes. Never add honey or mile. Barbarian.
Some people just like to shoot coyotes. Mostly they're men.
they'll give reasons but cruelty is the reason. Sanctioned.
A student asked if he should quit school + hike the Appalachian Trail.
He knew I would say yes. I said yes. He did. My work is done.
She helped the police arrest her father by calling 
+ saying she finally wanted to meet + talk.
Ok loser, now I'm gonna count down from ten + you come
on one. Ready? Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Ha ha stop.

Born in Puerto Rico, John Yohe grew up in Michigan and lives in Oregon. He has worked as a wildland firefighter, deckhand/oiler, bike messenger, wilderness ranger and fire lookout. Fiction Editor for Deep Wild