Julia Kooi Talen

& Let’s

a found poem from “Opened Up” by Amanda Petrusich

let’s paint over our wounds         & then
       tell me
about your        nature
,      home
honeywhite & fingerpicked
patterns pinning vessels deep in the tender
catskill mountains where we’re
all in. & there, let’s slowly unfold
in the creek next to the mossy bluestone
sorting the sorrow of spring into
wooden drawers & dive bars & coffee shops.
& in this place, where we’re the birds,
let’s watch the water move sun
a craggy & delicate multitone ribbon,
an abstraction of hours in the trunks of saplings.
& as books half read let’s
just want a place
grow flowers barefoot,
speak in shapes, sound filled
the reservoir with our big morning light,
soft hands clearview.
& with your blue enamel coffee cup
books lined up, your
notebook self-reckoning
blueberry eyes
let’s accumulate in every corner
of this home, let’s
light a penultimate          offer
candles more liquid,             and listen

to the bugs          opened up
       into our holy               birdsong
into always
     a pair of.

Julia Kooi Talen is a queer poet and essayist living in the midwest with their cat, Otis. Find more of her work at juliakooitalen.com.