Julio Montalvo Valentin

Social Suicide:

When Dictators tactfully inform
The ignorant masses
To self-destruct
By using #hatespeak.

Riding with Revere

Paul's red Mustang takes us to a room
where Franklin is a mint on the pillow
and the sky has set into fiber weaved stars.
I lay on the grave whose tombstone reads:
Desparety sleeps here,
staring at popcorn in suspension.
He begins to gallop my self worth
in his throat
as I groan:
The Spanish is coming.

Fat-shame Rebuttal

The human race has created tools to survive hunger
but is still ill-equipped
for obesity.

Julio Montalvo Valentin is a semi-confessional, socially awkward poet. As cofounder of Cringe Worthy Poets Collective, he aims to make poetry accessible while engaging in deep topics with simplistic writing. He has published two chapbooks, "Don't Give up the Ship" in 2015 and "Ship Lost" in 2016, both with Cringe Worthy Press.