Ojo Olumide Emmanuel 


begin your lisping from where
the fleeing steam from a nearby kettle
on a stove is a zephyr for mysteries
seeking solace in the arms of the atmosphere-
geography says, they evaporates, condensate & precipitates
these steams, like babies in my village
return in the names of their departed
names here, are visas of reenactments---rebirth.
grannies too were once here & then steamed
their fallen bodies encumber in ridges behind many compounds
they precipitates again & our neighborhood tropes with kids. 

Ojo Olumide Emmanuel is a Nigerian Poet and Book Editor. He is the Author of the Poetry Chapbook Supplication For Years in Sands (Polarsphere Books, 2021). His works have appeared and forthcoming at Feral, Quills, Poemify, Melbourne-Culture, TNR and elsewhere. He currently curates the monthly Wakasoprize for Poetry and Abubakar Gimba Prize for Short Fiction. He is a fellow of SprinNG Writers Fellowship. Say hi to him on Twitter @OjoOlumideEmma2