Crystal Stone

Portrait of the Alcoholic’s Daughter

I never know until it happens 
      the day you understand the hollow 

cello in my living room dusty 
      candles on my dresser 

clothes picked 
      from others’ discards I find love 

the same way I try to imagine 
      it’s possible to build a house of straw

when it’s all there is to use 
      the gypsy moth can’t think about shelter 

her young birth parasitic flies and die 
      my mother lit red candles on the floor 

with faces of saints 
      she didn’t bring them
the day I saw my first ghost 
      I was six walking through 
the narrow motel hallway
      in the middle of nowhere 
there was blood on the headboard mom 
      told me to stop telling stories 
my brother was silent 
       there was nothing to say 
when this happened
      it wasn’t the first day I woke up 
in the middle of a nightmare 
      her screaming why
aren’t you happy 
       I’ve felt guilty ever since 
my brother begs me to stop
       he loved her in a way I never did 

until I read the poem she wrote about me
       ten years before I was born 
she died seven years ago now
       in her bed next to a man she didn’t love
but I sleep more soundly next to you
        than I ever have next to someone else 
and I prepare for the sun to argue 
       with the moon 
about what time it is 
      always trying 
to outshine the other
      or be together 
chronically far apart

Crystal Stone is author of two poetry collections, Knock-Off Monarch (Dawn Valley 2018) and All the Places I Wish I Died (forthcoming, CLASH 2021). Her poetry has previously appeared or is forthcoming in The Threepenny ReviewThe Hopkins Review, Salamander, Poetry Daily and many others. In April 2018, she gave a TEDx talk called "The Transformative Power of Poetry." Find her on Twitter @justlikeastone8, on instagram @justlikeastone, or at her website